Zebras Unite has joined Shift 2021 as a content partner to accelerate business action for social change. This event is being organised in partnership with JB Media Group, B-Lab, GIIN, SOCAP, Village Capital and others.
The Inclusive Capital Collective has grown to over 100 practitioners and allies who are deploying a range of debt, equity, and real estate instruments to support BIPOC entrepreneurs and catalyze community wealth. The trifecta of the COVID-19 pandemic; the structural inequality and injustice in social, economic, and health spheres laid bare by the ensuing economic collapse; and the racial reckoning precipitated by the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and countless others have made this work both more urgent and more challenging, as ICC member organizations reeled from the multiple and compounding impacts experienced by the communities they serve. In this session, our speakers will discuss the work of the ICC and the changing face of impact capital allocation to overcome the systemic racism of our financial institutions.