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The Season of the Dazzle [Workshop]: Ten Steps to Growing a Successful Zebra Company

Just as traditional approaches to funding are frequently inadequate for many Zebra companies, so too are traditional approaches to business planning that fail to achieve congruence between values, purpose and culture, and the strategy, structure, governance, operations, communications and funding mechanisms that will help them to achieve their desired scale.

 Developed through work with thousands of students, academics, entrepreneurs, politicians and non-profit leaders in over sixteen countries over the last twenty years, Uncompromise’s proven 10-step process for world-positive business success  transcends countries, cultures, and contexts to provide a clear, actionable, and effective way to increase your revenue, reach, and impact.

 Join us for a virtual workshop facilitated by strategist and fellow Zebra entrepreneur Cameron Burgess, and learn how this approach helped Zebras Unite to develop a clear path to transforming itself from a movement to a global, member-led organisation, and how you can leverage the same rigorous framework to drive the success of your own Zebra company in these uncertain times.

About the facilitator:

Cameron Burgess is Founder and Managing Partner of Uncompromise, as well as a Managing Partner and Chief Strategy Officer of Sphaera, and the lead author of From Billions to Trillions. Cameron has over 20 years experience founding, catalysing and commercializing world-positive ventures. A former front-line activist from Perth, Western Australia, Cameron founded many of Australia’s first environmental businesses, including the first organic restaurant, the first organic cleaning company, the first cause marketing agency, and one of the first green hosting companies. An in-demand speaker, facilitator and consultant, Cameron’s previous board appointments include inaugural board president of Munathara, and non-executive board member of Hitnet - two organisations using technology and the media to inform systems level interventions into remote and marginalized communities in Australia, and throughout the Arab world. Cameron brings a deeply pragmatic approach to the role of technology in systemic change, and has been leveraging technology for over twenty years to drive both efficiency and effectiveness throughout his and his clients’ operations.