Zebra Resilience: Andrea Carron, Bridge for Billions
“Resilience means never giving up on something you believe in.”
This month, we're discussing "resilience" with the Zebra community. New York Zebra community member Andrea Carron of Bridge for Billions shared her insights on what resilience means to her and her company.
First, let's hear about the Zebra that you’re building.
At Bridge for Billions, we are democratizing the access to quality entrepreneurship programs. We have an online incubation program—with a proven methodology—that takes entrepreneurs from business concept to creating a robust business plan.
Bridge for Billions' mission is to reach entrepreneurs that otherwise wouldn't have access to quality support for their business plan creation and ultimately propelling economic development as more and more business plans come to life.
What does resiliency mean to you, specifically as a Zebra?
Resilience means never giving up on something you believe in. It may mean pivoting, changing, learning, growing and bit of suffering—but never giving up on the core of what you believe in.
What helps you to stay resilient?
Keeping my personal and professional mission top of mind, and even written down on my computer desktop, helps me stay resilient. That great mission is a constant reminder when things get tough of my "Why.”
Interested in learning more about this Zebra company?
Visit bridgeforbillions.org.